the size or ounce of the pistachio is also an important criterion in the quality and purity of the pistachio. Pistachios, depending on their type (Akbari, Kaleh Ghoochi, Ahmad Aghaei, etc.), have different ounces, and the lower the ounce of the product, the higher the quality and purity of the product. To find the ounce of each pistachio, simply weigh 142 grams of pistachios and then count them 5 grains at a time. Whatever number is obtained is considered the ounce of that pistachio. For example, from 142 grams of pistachios that we weighed, 120 pistachios came out. We divide 120 pistachios by 5, which becomes: 24, the ounce of this type of pistachio is 24.
18 to 20: Very large, 20 to 22: Extra large, 22-24: Large, 24-26: Medium, 26-28: Small Above, 28: Very small