Tag Archives: iran rosewater

Iran Meets 90% of Global Rosewater Demand

Iran supplies 90% of global rosewater demand and accounts for 8-10% of rose essence production [...]

Are There Benefits of Rosewater (Golab) on the Skin?

Rosewater is created by distilling rose petals, which results in an aromatic liquid infused with [...]

Hidden pink gems on the central Iranian desert

The dry central desert of Iran has hidden pink-colored gems in its depth and the [...]

10 Uses of Rose Water

The best and easiest way to use rose water maybe to apply it at night, [...]

10 Rose Water Benefits

We know rose water's great for skin and hair but why it's good and how [...]

rose and roswater festival

Every year during the second half of May, festival of Rose and Rose Water is [...]

Iran produces 90% of global rosewater

Iran supplies 90 percent of the global demand for rosewater in light of its great [...]